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About Us
Open Gate Labs is a collective comprised of a group of individuals with experience in software development, cyber security, biochemistry, engineering, pharmaceutical compounding and logistics. We’re proud to be the largest collective with a diverse set of skills dedicated to offering accessible, affordable, and life-saving healthcare to individuals primarily in North America.
We use our products ourselves and have provided them to our local community and other trans collectives.
There is a distinct lack of opportunity, especially in certain states of medical care that Open Gate Labs is devoted to solving.
We endeavor to maintain sterility of our vials and product through the use of HPLC analysis, vacuum filtration, depyrogenation, autoclaving, terminal sterilization and third party testing. We’ve reinvested tens of thousands into improving our process over time, as well as validation for our work. All (injectable) work is done in a HEPA/ULPA flow hood and air quality tested to be at ISO 5 class cleanroom specification. All laboratory equipment is sterilized via autoclave, or instant pot pro max (15 psi) for 1 hour, verified by indicator tape or bag. While we have one of the best, if not the best equipment in homebrew, this is still homebrew. We can not, and will not guarantee to be up to the full standards and consistency of a pharmaceutical manufacturing facility. The legit route, if possible is always the best route. Our service is provided for those who do not have access, or cannot afford healthcare the traditional route.
We do not provide dosing recommendations for (most) vials, as we cannot take into account individual physiology. A link is provided to outside sources. Transfem Science is a great place for more information. As with any hormone products, blood testing is paramount to ensure your dosing is correct. Please do not use our products without having prior blood work at the same dose, or without getting blood work if you are new.
Design philosophy:
The goal with our product&formularies is to make the most effective product possible, not the cheapest.
On design choices. Amber vials help solve one of the largest issues in homebrew HRT, that being vials that are expected to last significantly longer than pharma preparations (one month max). Oxidation and rancidification of carrier oils is one of these largest challenges, and is primarily driven by light and heat exposure. Amber vials, alongside the provided holders help with both of these issues.
On concentration and allergenicity. We avoid the use of Benzyl Benzoate as much as possible, as it is a common allergenic/sensitivity for people. In products that require it, we have significantly less by percentage concentration (Valerate and Cypionate)than pharma or other homebrewers.
Yes, 50mg/mL EEn is possible but presents a few issues. First being that with concentration that high, estradiol precipitating out of solution (sans benzyl benzoate) starts to become an issue in MCT oil. Secondarily, the number of times you can puncture a stopper without it coring is limited. It may seem good on the surface to get a 50mg/mL vial, but makes little sense when it cores before you get to use the rest. Many people may not notice, or continue to use a cored vial. Going with 40mg/mL helps negate some of these issues.
On Undecylate. EUn is one of those weird esters given it’s extended and variable half life. We find it foolish to formulate in MCT oil, as this leads to a significantly shorter half life. This goes against the rational behind using it in the first place. We formulate in Castor oil, which while significantly more viscous, extends the half life of Undecylate significantly. 80mg/mL was chosen as a good concentration between the limit before crystallization (~110mg/mL@ room temp), and at a high enough concentration to where a reasonable dose can be given with a small volume. is a great simulator, and suggests injection frequencies of up to two months is possible with this route. It is over three times per vial as expensive for us to produce as other esters, yet we price it at the lowest $/mg, as in our belief more people should use it in our formulary.
Overall, while traditional pharma preparations, and longstanding homebrew formularies are a good benchmark, we aim to do better and consistently fine tune and improve our designs to be the best in the market. We’re not just blindly following some of the online guides, we have years of experience in this field.
little psuedomanifesto for if you’re still reading.
Look if you’ve gotten this far then you’re obviously interested in DIY, or you just like to browse the site. There is an ongoing attack against homebrew as a concept, with both people from the left and right (globally) coming down against it.
This isn’t getting better, it’s getting worse and there’s only a few ways to fight it.
It does not take a chemist to make gel, sublingual or even injections small scale for personal use or to distribute locally. And that’s what you should learn to do. I won’t hold your hand throughout the entire process, but if you’re able to do some research on your own it’s not super difficult to do.
A few hundred dollars is all you need to get started, you’ll be doing yourself a favor and strengthening the decentralized flow of life saving medication that it seems like endless people want gone.
Known homebrewers are not going to be around forever. New people may be good, new people may be bad, what will you be? Please do what you can to support the DIY community.